Jumag test




From us, you can rent a steam boiler in a container from approx. 500 kg/h to 20 T/h. The small plant is on our stock, but the larger ones comes from our supplier Hagelschuer. The typical plant runs on oil, but also has plants for longer rental periods that can run on gas. If you […]


If you want a steam boiler plant with the possibility of mobility, or if there is no space for a separate boiler room at the company, a Jumag Container Steam Plant is the solution, as it functions as a mobile boiler room: The entire steam system is assembled in an individually built container in a […]

Service partner

We want all JUMAG owners to be satisfied with their boiler for many years, so a service inspection is a very good idea. Your JUMAG boiler is the heart of your production and reliability is a necessity for your success. All technical installations and machines require service, you know that well. Now is your chance […]

System solutions

Together with the customer and TLV, E-TEK designs customer-specific solutions for steam systems. We optimize your steam and condensate systems and thereby minimize operating costs and improve product quality. Typically, this could be heat exchanger stations, flash steam systems, or container systems. Most often delivered as a compact system pre-assembled on a frame.

Condensate discharge and recovery

TLV offers steam-driven condensate pumps for condensate return systems. TLV mechanical steam-driven condensate pumps can be supplied as stand-alone units and as pre-assembled pump systems with manifold and valves. TLV’s pump systems are reliable and economical to operate. TLV offers several different flash steam recovery systems. Either based on recycling high-pressure condensate, or by direct […]

Separators and filters

TLV separators and filters provide the best steam quality. Condensate, particles and other foreign substances in the steam are continuously removed and high-quality dry steam is produced with optimal energy efficiency and with absolute minimization of the risk of corrosion and wear. The separators are available as a steam dryer alone or as a combination […]

Process steam regulation

TLV’s control valves and systems are characterized by their compact, durable design and easy maintenance. Even the most demanding steam systems can be precisely regulated with a combination of one or more of TLV’s multifunctional valves. The valves can be supplied in many designs: Pneumatic, electric or self-acting for regulating pressure, temperature or flow. The […]

TLV steam traps

TLV steam traps discharge condensate, air and non-condensable gases from the steam system. TLV’s product portfolio is broad and will certainly be able to cover your needs. TLV’s steam traps are designed for efficiency, durability and minimal maintenance. The “Free float” steam traps are a typical TLV product with its ingenious simplicity, where the only […]

TLV – Steam and condensate technology

E-TEK is an official TLV agent in Denmark. For more than 50 years, TLV has developed and produced process and control equipment for steam systems – TLV is known for innovative developments and high quality. TLV’s goal is to develop perfect and simple solutions for everyone who works with steam. TLV is known for never […]

Optimization of process flow

Are you making optimal use of your facility? Are all processes equally appropriate? Are there opportunities for improvements and savings? With our many years of experience, we can answer these and other relevant questions and our analysis of your facility can form the basis for planning current and future investments with a view to process […]

Energy optimization

Energy costs money and the costs will not decrease in the future. E-TEK examines your steam system with a view for the most economical operation. We come up with proposals for improvements documented with calculations and can therefore contribute to future-proofing your plant and production with a view for the lowest possible energy consumption. Our […]

Steam and condensate systems

Based on three decades of experience, we can design complete steam and condensate systems based on the customer’s needs, regardless of the industry. We analyze needs and requirements, design the plant and visualize it with 3-D drawings, as a supplement to a thorough operating economic calculation – all this ensures that you as a customer […]

Large boiler plants

Hagelschuer builds pre-assembled boiler units according to customer requirements. The pressure part is manufactured in Denmark or Germany, depending on the task. All boilers are equipped with a Weishaupt burner and a Hagelschuer control system based on a Siemens PLC.

The EDI series

A stainless steel steam boiler of high quality and innovative design. The Jumag EDI is an electric steam boiler that produces high-quality steam – the EDI series is delivered with output from 28 kg/h to 500 kg/h and can also be used as a cascade system with several boilers with the flexibility and options it […]

The DG series


With its ground-breaking design and thorough use of the highest quality components, the Jumag DG stands out in a league of its own. Energy efficiency of a minimum of 97% and with the possibility of condensing operation when using an additional economizer. Efficiency above 100% measured on lower calorific value is possible. A time-saving start […]

The FLO series

With its groundbreaking design and thorough use of the highest quality components, the Jumag FLO1060 stands out in a league of its own. Energy efficiency of a minimum of 97% and with the possibility of condensing operation when using an additional economizer. Efficiency above 100% measured on lower calorific value is possible.A time-saving start procedure […]

Compact boiler system (KDA)

A Steam boiler equipped as a compact steam plant is a pre-assembled unit consisting of one or more boilers. The equipment is carefully adapted and mounted on a steel frame which can be moved with a forklift. All components and connections are pre-assembled together with the steam boiler(s) from the Jumag factory. The KDA compact […]

System løsninger

Sammen med kunden og TLV designer E-TEK kundespecifikke  løsninger til dampsystemer. Vi optimerer jeres damp- og kondensatsystemer og minimerer derved driftsomkostninger og forbedrer produktkvaliteten. Typisk kunne der være tale om vekslerstationer, flashdampsystemer, eller beholdersystemer. Oftest leveret som kompaktanlæg præmonteret på en ramme.

Kondensat bortledning og genvinding

TLV tilbyder dampdrevne kondensatpumper til  kondensat retursystemer. TLV mekaniske dampdrevne kondensatpumper kan leveres som enkeltstående units og som præmonterede  pumpesystemer med manifold og ventiler. TLV´s pumpesystemer er driftsikre og økonomiske i drift. TLV tilbyder flere forskellige systemer til genvinding af flashdamp. Enten baseret på genanvendelse af højtrykskondensat, eller ved direkte injektion af lavtryksdamp i højtryksdamp ved brug af […]