Mainly by using Jumag steam boilers and TLV steam components we supply smaller and mid-sized energy efficient industrial steam systems in the Nordic countries. It can be a ZERO emission solution, CO2 neutral or using conventional fuels.
By higher energy demand we use Hagelschuer modular boiler systems. It can be a skid mounted system or a mobile unit. The boiler body can be from various manufactures but the digital controls and system lay-out and design is Hagelschuer’s own exclusive design.
Steam for three decades.
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Jumag steam boilers are available as electrical or with burner for all gas and oil types. Burner are mainly Weishaupt or Riello.
If your project is steam or green transition, we will be your competent partner. We advise you in the right solution for the job and we can also supply it. We can do it on our own or together with your preferred contractors.
If you want to handle the project yourself, we can supply you with the boilers and equipment and you install under our guidance.
Our primary target is small and midsized systems. Typically, from 415 KW to 4 MW.
AJumag boiler is has a normal pressure vessel but with a small water content. As a result, it is controlled and optimized like a big boiler. Economizer is standard in one or more passes for the best possible efficiency.
Three decades of experience gives us the best foundation for designing “turn-key” solutions meeting customers requirements and expectations not matter the process. We analyze, design and visualize the solution with 3D models and a thorough financial and energy calculation.
Hagelschuer builds pre-assembled boiler units according to customer requirements. The pressure vessel is manufactured in Denmark or Germany depending on the job.
Most boilers are equipped with a Weishaupt burner and Hagelschuers own controls based mostly on a Siemens PLC.
E-TEK is an official TLV agent in Denmark. For more than 50 years, TLV has developed and produced process and control equipment for steam production – TLV is known for innovative development and high quality.
Engineering and trading company who deliver, design and install energy efficient steam and boiler systems.
Sales of TLV steam components. Rental of mobile boiler systems and flowmeters for steam.
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